Sunday, August 16, 2009

1.If you married the person you last texted, what would your last name be?
- ??? The last person? Sumarli? So I would be Novia Aster Sumarli? I am not sure.

2.What did you do today?
- finishing my group poster for world history and hanging around wif my lovely sis shinying.

3.Do you know a secret about your last featured friend that would embarrass them
- :) :D

4.What is one fact about the last person who called you?
- He is my manager. :) I'm his princess. I miss him. :)

5.Last time you were on the phone?
- 1 hours ago?

6.What’s for dinner?
- I had my dinner already. Tomorrow maybe?

7.Ever fought with someone older or younger?
- uhmmm...

8.How many e-mail addresses do you have?
- three/ maybe more.

9.Last time you washed your hair
- Yesterday morning. (Oh, I am too honest)

10.Do you like Oreo’s?
- So far So good.

11.Can you ice skate?
- No and I don't think I gonna try.

12.Do you have a brother?
- NOPE. But I do have nasty cousin. I love all of them. * any rejection? no? GOOD!!

13.Do you know how to change a diaper?
- NO

14.Do you keep a planner?
- Not for this semester.

15.What kind of mood are you in?
- Randomness.

16.Do you take out the trash?
- Nope.

17.What’s the best part about being single?
- I can be a player. Yeah!! :)

18.Do you watch “The Hills”?
- No. But gossip girl is a YES!

19.Who are you thinking of right now?
- mama, jooen,RAIN, my next door sister and........

20.Wearing any bracelet?
- No i guess. It's a rubber bandage.

21.What are you doing now?
- Learning new song.

22.Who was the last person that helped you stop crying?
- Sister Shinying and Amy. :) The lizard thing you know??

23.Who do you trust with your life?
- Mama.

24.If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
- Black Belt Monkey, given by Adi Saputra.

25.Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
- To Korea you mean? hahahahaha. Rain?

26.Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?
- Yeah!! I am a professional.

28.What are your parents middle names?
- They don't have it.

29.Righty or Lefty?
- Both

30.Favorite juice?
- I prefer eating fruits. I like strawberry juice

31.Have you had the chicken pox?
- YEA!! And I cried because of it.

32.Have you had a sore throat?
- Yeah. When I was a student councilor. hahahahaha. :) I miss those time.

33.Who knows you the best?
- Mama, Jooen, Shinying :)

34.Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
- Glasses.

35.Last person to see you cry?
- Me, Myself.

36. People u tag!
- Jooen, Shinying, Ahjo, Jeje, CL and united chumps.

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